
Prospectus is an interesting sounding word. It means, "a written document describing a product or service in order to attract and inform." Anyone who has ever invested in a mutual fund has seen the word used to mean a thorough description of the fund - how much money it has invested, in what companies it chooses to invest, the level of risk it associates with those investments, costs, etc. Essentially, after reading a prospectus for a mutual fund, you're supposed to walk away with a pretty good sense for what you're buying into and how much it's going to cost you to do so.

With that in mind, I title this, my first official blog post, "Prospectus," because I hope to do just that - give my potential readers an idea of what they can expect from me and, in turn, what I expect from them.

This blog will cover a myriad things because I have a myriad of interests. As a Junior majoring in pre-medicine, much of what I will post will probably concern itself with medical science: interesting diseases, case studies, experiences I have, and health care law. As an American, I will also post much concerning economics and limited constitutional government (or lack thereof). If I were you, I wouldn't be too surprised to find posts concerning the unfortunate intersection of government and health care, especially considering that today the Supreme Court has handed down a landmark (read: travesty) decision concerning the Affordable Care Act. Indeed, it was the Supreme Court's decision and a really excellent blog ( that has spurred me to start this. While one voice is small, it cannot hurt to give my ideas a forum - even if the only person listening is me.

However, the blog will not be all work, as I am also in the process of trying to get myself into shape for duathlon or triathlons (haven't really decided yet how I'm going to go about getting enough swimming experience) and will probably post often about my training progress and difficulties. I would also say that book/movie/video game/music reviews are a definite possibility, along with links to cool articles about technology and astronomy.

To summarize, this blog will be a consortium of everything I find to be frustrating, stimulating, and sometimes just plain cool. If that sounds like your kind of thing, then welcome! If not, I'm sure there are plenty of other things you could spend your time doing that are much more productive, so good on you.

Additionally, you may very well see posts from friends of mine who are running the blog with me - keep in mind that, while we are good friends, we do not share all the same views, though there is much overlap. We are very capable of speaking for ourselves! 

I don't have much in the way of expectations for any readers I might happen to gather along the way, except that if they want to speak, they should do so, but do so respectfully. I reserve the right to remove any posts that don't live up to a spirit of reasoned, respectful discourse. This means no swearing, ad hominem attacks, or other forms of low blows. This is a potentially public forum after all, and I want to encourage good reputations for all involved!

I'm sure that there are many of you out there who will disagree with the things I say or think, and that's fantastic, so long as you uphold the standards of good conduct. I may not have advanced degrees in political science,  economics, law, or medicine (yet), but I believe that you don't have to in order to have well-formed opinions. Who knows, maybe some of you with advanced degrees might learn something from me! I certainly hope to learn from you.

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